We meet again Isn’t fine print just THE worst?! There’s always some sneaky got…

We meet again

 Isn't fine print just THE worst?! There's always some sneaky got...

We meet again

#AffirmPartner Isn’t fine print just THE worst?! There’s always some sneaky gotcha hiding in there… But when you shop with @Affirm, you can pay over time with no gotchas or hidden fees.

To help fight the gotchas hidden in fine print, Affirm is giving away $10,000 to 100 people! Submit your best dramatic fine print reading at the link in bio. #GiftsNotGotchas

NoPurchNec. 50 US&DC 18+ or the age of majority in state of residence as of 11/19/20. Ends 12/10/20. Void where prohibited. Contest not affiliated with Instagram Rules&Enter: http://www.affirm.com/giftsnotgotchas

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